How to Pronounce Difficult Words in English

Today you’ll learn my top tip on how to pronounce difficult words in English.

The pronunciation of words in English can be really frustrating, especially because how you SAY a word in English is often not the same as how you WRITE the word!

But with the advice I give you in this video, you will learn a practical strategy to use for ALL THE WORDS you find difficult in English.

Check out my video on YouTube and share ONE WORD in the comments that you find difficult to pronounce and I’ll respond with instructions on how to say it!

Thanks for watching! I hope you find this tip useful and see you soon!

P.S. Pronouncing words incorrectly is the main reason for miscommunication in meetings and presentations. That’s why I pay special attention to pronunciation.

Take action to improve your communication in English in meetings and presentations

So you’re about to start or you’ve just started a new job in an international company? But you’re feeling worried about understanding and expressing yourself in English. With personalised training with me, you can prepare perfectly so you feel confident in these situations…and empowered in your job.

Looking for specific training? Check out my 8-pack workshop on meetings or my 12-pack workshop on presentations. Click here for more information!

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